20 Feb LBB at MOHAI

Panelists at the Museum of History and Industry (MOHAI). Photo courtesy of Yiling Wong.
On Wednesday, February 13th, 2019, representatives from Africatown Community Land Trust, Byrd Barr Place, Capitol Hill Housing, and the original Liberty Bank gathered to share their inspirations for the Liberty Bank Building, developed in partnership with the Black Community Impact Alliance.
Andrea Caupain Sanderson, CEO of Byrd Barr Place, Christopher Persons, CEO of Capitol Hill Housing, K. Wyking Garrett, President and CEO of Africatown Community Land Trust, and M. Michelle Purnell-Hepburn, Seattle Foundation Managing Director and Liberty Bank Building Advisory Board Member, all served as panelists. Regina Glenn, President of Pacific Communications Consultants, Inc. and WMBE consultant for the Liberty Bank project, served as moderator.

Wyking Garrett, Regina Glenn, Andrea Copain Sanderson, Michelle Purnell-Hepburn, and Chris Persons pose together at the MOHAI event. Photo courtesy of Regina Glenn.
If you were unable to attend the event and would like to hear a recording of the panel discussion, please click here.
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